About Us Printer-Friendly Page STEL is a private, non-profit agency that provides rehabilitative and support services to people with psychiatric disabilities. STEL is committed to helping recipients of services discover their goals and achieve them through progressive treatment and care. STEL operates on the principles of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Model adopted from Boston University, which assures that people with a psychiatric disability possess the skills needed to live, learn, work, and socialize in their particular environment.
STEL was established in 1980 and serves four counties of Western New York: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, and Erie.
In 1997 STEL began developing affordable housing for persons with special needs. STEL now develops housing in New York State and western Pennslyvania. See below for an overview of STEL affordable housing projects.

We Believe
"We believe millions of Americans are affected with Serious Mental Illness which can be successfully treated.
We believe the key to success for many individuals is their active involvement in rehabilitation programs that develop skills and supports necessary for successful community living.
Through an active participation among recipients, families, and the community, we at Southern Tier Environments for Living are helping people lead satisfying and productive lives with a renewed sense of hope."
Our vision is to evolve as the premier community resource leader of mental health rehabilitation and support services, while promoting a mental health delivery system with individual choice and access to services.
We are dedicated to providing exceptional services to enhance the quality of life of individuals with mental illness and to promote personal growth and recovery. We are determined to manage all services in a fiscally responsible manner, ensuring value to our consumers, supporters, and communities.
Values & Principles
To fulfill our vision and achieve our mission, we abide by the enduring values that are the foundation of our business.
Hope We maintain a belief that people affected with serious mental illness can be successfully treated and experience a renewed sense of hope.
Consumer Focus We are deeply committed to meeting the needs of our consumers, and we constantly focus on consumer satisfaction.
Empowerment We believe that participation by our consumers and employees in organizational decisions and processes is essential to our success.
Respect for People We recognize that consumers and employees are the cornerstone of STELs success. We value our diversity as a source of strength, and we are proud of our history of treating people with respect and dignity.
Teamwork We believe an active partnership among consumers, family members, service providers, and the community can lead to satisfying and productive lives.
Performance We strive for continuous improvement in our performance, measuring results carefully, and ensuring integrity and respect for people are never compromised.
Professionalism We are committed to providing highly competent employees who demonstrate knowledge, skill, and desire, in the services they provide, while upholding the highest ethical standards.
Individuality We acknowledge ones right to determine his/her individual path by employing his/her unique interests and abilities.
Community We recognize the value of our mutual relationship with the communities we serve. This relationship provides an exchange of resources and opportunities for the benefit of everyone.
Organizational Goals
The goals for each service we provide are to insure that:
- Our services assist consumers in improving their quality of life.
- Our service delivery systems establish and maintain high standards.
- Our physical environments are comfortable and rehabilitative in order to meet the needs of our consumers.
- We educate community, consumers, and staff members about the needs and challenges of people with mental illness and the recovery process.
- We operate our services in a cost-effective manner and maintain fiscal stability.